Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Annual  Meeting Minutes
June 21, 2017

Call to order at 7:04PM with the following board members were present:  Dale Bacon, Ryan Hoops, Steve Laliberte, and Jim Grisim.  

A total of 20 members were in attendance constituting a quorum.

Motion (Grisim/Hoops) Move to approve agenda.  Motion carried.

Motion (Hoops/Grisim) Move to approve the minutes of 2016 Annual Meeting.  Motion carried.

Treasurer Report: 

Motion (Nash/Krueser) Move to approve the Treasurers Report.  Motion carried.

Year In Review:
Completed weed harvesting in 2017.  Replaced hydraulics on the weed harvesters.  This may we stocked the lake with 1,000 bass and 500 crappies.

The board is working with the City of White Bear Lake and Ramsey County to discuss improving the walking path on Otter Lake Road in 2019 when the road is being resurfaced.

Many residents expressed concern about improving the safety of walking on Otter Lake Road.

Victoria Reinhart our Ramsey County Commissioner addressed the group about Otter Lake Road improvements.  One option is to make minor changes to the roadway as part of 2018.  The next option is to reconstruct the road to include a walk lane.   These options will be presented to the City of White Bear Lake for consideration. 

2018 Budget Review:
The budget was reviewed.  There was concern about needing to fund additional harvesting. 
Motion: (Laliberte/ Hoops) Move to increase the harvester operations line item from $6,000 to $10,000 and adjust the levy accordingly.  Motion carries.

Motion: (Laliberte/Grism )  Move approve the amended budget. Motion carried.

 There are two board positions that are up for elections.  There are three candidates:
Dale Bacon (incumbent)
Ryan Hoops (incumbent)
Deb Vernon

Ballots were distributed and tallied.

Dale Bacon and Ryan Hoops were re-elected. 

Motion to adjourn  (Nash, Grisim) Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 8:55 PM

Minutes prepared by Steve Laliberte

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