Friday, November 7, 2014

Quarterly Meeting Minutes November 6, 2014

Call to order at 7:15 PM with the following members present:  Dale Bacon, Ryan Hoops, Steve Laliberte, and Jim Grisim.  Tom Merritt was absent.

Motion (Laliberte/Hoops) Move to approve agenda.  Motion carried.

Approval of the minutes  -
Motion: (Laliberte/Hoops) Move to approve June 5 minutes. Motion carried.
Motion: (Laliberte/Hoops) Move to approve July 17 minutes.  Motion carried.

Review Treasurer’s Report
Motion: (Hoops,Laliberte) to approve report.  Carried

Status Reports

Harvesting Painting Update
Not complete.  Aspen has the paint.  We are seeking another contractor to complete the job.

Buckthorn Removal Project
Completed treating about 100 plants.  After two months half are dead and the others showing stress.  We will do more next summer.

Fish Survey / Restocking Update
We are waiting for the final report from Blue Water.  2,000 bass each 6 inches long were planted in October.  They will be large enough to spawn in the spring.

Aerator Status
The aerator is running and the signs have been placed.  We need to purchase new signs.  The old ones are rotting.  Ryan will order some new signs.

Communication Strategy
Steve will post newsletter on neighborhood and the BLID blog.  There is a facebook page for Birch Lake.  We should take it over.

Steve to draft a communications plan on how we will use FB, Blog, email.

Building Birch Lake Through Social Service
Many residents prefer not to promote the lake because it attracts more usage.

Steve has extra aerator posts.  Jim has spare aerator motor, bubbler, and small ice signs.  We need to inventory what we own and where it is.  There may be harvester parts in Bret and Marine boat house. 
Rod Kruser may have a spreadsheet.

Motion: Move to Adjourn (Grisim, Laliberte) – Motion Carried.  Adjourned at 9:06 PM.

Minutes prepared by Steve Laliberte

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