Friday, November 7, 2014

Fall 2014 Fish Kill Update

Blue Water Science conducted a fish survey on Birch Lake Sept 4-6, 2014, to determine the extent of fish kill observed after ice-out this past spring.  It was conducted during the same time period and at the same locations as the survey in 2011, enabling a valid comparison.
Although a final report has not been issued, Steve McComas, the principal of Blue Water, has shared a summary of his findings. Table 1 from the summary compares the findings of the 2011 and 2014 surveys.  With the exception of a lack of largemouth bass in the 2014 survey, the other fish populations are nearly the same for the two surveys.  As might be expected, the large number of dead bass after ice-out foreshadowed the lack of largemouth bass in the 2014 survey. 
While no bass were trapped in the survey, residents have recently caught several largemouth bass.  In any case, the bass population is very low.
The board reviewed the survey results and, based on recommendations from Steve McComas and consistent with the encouragement from residents at the annual meeting, elected to restock largemouth bass yet this year.  On October 16, 2014, about 2,000 fingerling largemouth bass were introduced into the lake.
Birch Lake trapnet results for the fish survey conducted in 2011 and in 2014 by Blue Water Science. Fish data are shown as fish per trapnet.

We can expect to see results from this effort in a couple of years.


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