Thursday, September 17, 2015

Board of Director's Meeting September 17, 2015

Call to order at 7:03 PM with the following members present:  Dale Bacon, Steve Laliberte, Ryan Hoops, Jim Grisim, Tom Merritt.

Motion: (Grisim/Merritt) Move to approve agenda.  Motion carried.

Approval of the minutes
Motion: (Grisim/Merritt) Move to approve the July 15, 2015 minutes.  Motion carried.

Review Treasurer’s Report
Motion: (Laliberte/Hoops) Move to accept report.  Motion carried.

Al Cook Request for Birch Lake PUD Restriction
Mr. Cook is seeking BLID support in a modification to the Birch Cove PUD to allow a motorized boat. 

Motion: (Laliberte/Hoops)   
Each taxable unit of the BLID is entitled to one dock and one restricted watercraft.

A restricted watercraft is defined as any boat or vessel for use on or stored on the public waters on the lake except for unrestricted watercraft.  An unrestricted watercraft is defined as a boat or vessel that is:

1) 16’ or less in length and has no motor; or

2) 16’ or less in length and  has a motor of 10 horsepower or less, as rated by the manufacturer at the time of manufacturer, whether or not the motor is operational; or

3) 20’ or less in length and has no motor, and that is propelled solely by human power

Motion: failed.

Motion: (Grisim/Merritt) BLID supports the lake use restriction currently in effect in both Birch Cove and Cloisters associations for the long term benefit of the lake. 
Motion carried.

VLAMO Technical Commission
VLAMO is working on long term plan.  The rain garden fund has disbursed $18,000.  VLAMO is using new testing equipment to measure flow and nutrients. 

Blue Water Science Plant/Sediment Survey
An inspection was performed last week.  Milfoil is present but not increasing. 

Wetlands Restoration – There is a  lot on the North East corner that the city has an environmental easement.  We are seeking a joint project with VLAMO, BLID and White Bear Lake to restore the area to control water entering into the lake.

Harvester Maintenance
The hydraulic lines are cracked and close to leaking.   We have received a bid to replace the lines.  
Motion: (Hoops/Grisim) Approve $4,400 to replace the hoses on the harvester.  Motion Carried.

Motion: Move to Adjourn (Merritt, Laliberte) – Motion Carried.  Adjourned at 8:43 PM.

Next Meeting:  November 5, 2015

Minutes prepared by Steve Laliberte.

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