Friday, September 21, 2018

Board Meeting Minutes

July 25, 2018

7:00 pm, White Bear Lake City Hall

Call to Order at 7:05 PM. 

Members present Jim Grisim, Dale Bacon, Terry Huntrods, Steve Laliberte and Deb Vernon

1.      Approval of Agenda

Motion (Grisim/Bacon) Move to approve.  Motion carried.

2.    Approval of Minutes

Motion (Grisim/Bacon) Move to approve.  Motion carried.

3.    Treasurer’s Report

No activity to report

4.      Status Reports


            Jim attended the Goose Lake meeting. Goose Lake has one of the highest nutrient levels. They are trying to decide if they should use spent lime or alum.  Going to try to try spent lime on Oak Knoll.  If that works they will use it on Goose Lake.  Will not know if this is effect for a year.

            Nic from VLAWMO asked about doing picture posts. Jim said there was positive feedback at the annual meeting.  Considering doing several locations: by the bench, 4th and Otter Lake Rd and on the bridge on White Bear Parkway.

            Dale is going to talk to VLAWMO about fixing erosion by the bench on North Birch Lake.

5.      Action Items


        Dick G has been working on refurbishing the harvester.  Matt from Aspen is willing to help. Dick is hoping to be done by Friday.

        Agreement with Aspen needs to be clarified.  Need a checklist for making sure the harvester is in working order so we do not have this problem in the future.  Steve will work with Dick G to develop the checklist.

Steve will check with Aspen on when they will be able to cut once the harvester is working.


        Fred was the chair the first year, Jim was the next 5 years and now Dale has done it 5 years.

        Dale thinks people should change positions.

Chair Steve Laliberte

Vice Chair Jim Grisim

Secretary Ryan Hoops

Treasurer Terry Huntrods

At Large Dale Bacon

The bank for the next year is Lake Area Bank

Paper is the WBL press

6.        Adjourn at 8:05

Motion: (Grisim /Huntrods) Move to approve.  Motion carried

Next meeting is the Quarterly Meeting Aug 15, 2018

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