Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Spring 2015 Chairman’s Corner

By Dale Bacon

Hard to believe that it’s annual meeting time again!  It seems like only yesterday that we were discussing our response to the 2014 fish kill!  Since then, significant progress has been made in meeting the goals of the Sustainable Lake Management Plan.   This progress, as well as plans for 2015 – 2016, will be reviewed at the annual meeting. 
A key element of the annual meeting is the approval of the 2016 budget.  Membership approval is required before the budget is presented to the White Bear Lake City Council. 
Chip Welling, an invasive plant species expert from the Minnesota DNR, has been invited to present a “big picture view” of the invasive species problem in Minnesota and to cover potential impacts on Birch Lake.  I’ve heard Chip present on this issue and have been impressed with his depth of knowledge and his ability to reduce it to something we all can understand!  This should be a very interesting presentation for all!
I would like to encourage all members to attend the 2015 annual meeting.  The BLID was formed to develop and implement projects that protect and enhance the environmental quality of Birch Lake.  This is your chance to learn more these activities and to provide your input.  Your views and concerns are valued!   Birch Lake is your lake, and it is critical that BLID planning reflects membership values.
See you on June 17!  
7:00 PM      White Bear Lake City Hall

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