Tuesday, March 10, 2015

2015 Winter Storm Water Management

Dale Bacon discussion with Mark Burch, Director of Public Works

Storm water management is a high priority in Minnesota.  The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) requires that cites such as White Bear Lake implement a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP) to improve storm water quality.  The city has developed a very detailed plan to comply with this requirement.  The plan is available on the city web site.  Pollution prevention and good housekeeping activities are key elements of the plan that directly impact Birch Lake. 

As an example, streets near Birch Lake are vacuum swept 2-3 times in spring and fall.  This helps to prevent fine particulate matter, road salt, and other road debris from entering the lake.

Vacuum Sweeper

 Big Sucker

A vacuum truck is routinely used to clean out treatment devices such as the storm water separator on Birch Lake Avenue.  The storm water separator removes particulates, free oil and other debris from storm water before it enters the lake.  You may have seen the “big sucker” in operation.

The city is concerned about the impact of road salt on the environment and has taken a number of steps to minimize salt use.  One of the programs involves calibrating salt spreaders on trucks to prevent waste.

These activities are a first line of defense in protecting and enhancing the quality of Birch Lake.  Dedicated city employees routinely carry them out in a very professional manner.  We are very appreciative of their service.

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