Thursday, July 17, 2014

BLID Quarterly Meeting July 17, 2014

Call to order at 7:04PM with the following members present:  Dale Bacon, Ryan Hoops, Steve Laliberte, and Jim Grisim.  Tom Merritt was absent.

Motion (Grisim/Laliberte) Move to approve agenda.  Motion carried.

Approval of the minutes  - we will approve via email

Review Treasurer’s Report
Motion: (Hoops,Laliberte) to approve report.  Carried

Election of Officers

Motion: (Hoops/Grism) Move to Elect Bacon as Chairman, Hoops as Vice-Chairman, Merritt as Treasurer, and Laliberte as Secretary.  Carried

Motion: (Grism, Hoops) Move to make Bremer Bank as depository.  Motion Carried

Motion: (Grism,Hoops) Move to make the White Bear Press the official BLID newspaper.  Motion Carried.

Motion: (Grism,Hoops) Move to approve Julie Yoho contract for another year.  Motion Carried.

We have the permit to harvest. We will ask Aspen to get going.

Fish Survey will be Sept 3,4, 5

Mark Burch North Shore Restoration Project Update.
There is some erosion.  We will put in stone walkways.  We will add more boulders for fishing. 

Newsletter goes out Monday/Tuesday

Motion: Move to Adjourn (Grisim, Laliberte) – Motion Carried.  Adjourned at 8:25.

Minutes prepared by Steve Laliberte

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