Call to order at 7:04PM with the following members
present: Dale Bacon, Ryan Hoops, Tom
Merritt, and Jim Grisim. Steve Laliberte
was absent.
Motion (Grisim/Merritt)
Move to approve agenda. Motion carried.
Motion (Hoops/Grisim)
Move to approve the minutes of April 10, 2014.
Motion carried.
(Hoops/Grisim) Move to approve Treasurers Report. Motion carried.
VLAWMO Update:
Grisim reported VLAWMO
deciding on projects for summer especially areas, such as Lambert Creek, with e. coli (this does not affect Birch
Lake). Stephanie and Christine reported
the Birch Lake restoration site on the north shore looked good. Bacon reported on a visit by the ladies on
June 3 to Birch Lake and Dale’s request to get an OK to dam the outlet of the
marshland to the north of Birch. If the
water table stays high, it may kill back the Reed Canary Grass which is
becoming a major problem not only in crowding the marsh but also now showing on
the north shoreline near Dale’s house.
State of the Waters Conference:
Bacon reported on the meeting that he found to be most
worthwhile. He recommended other such
meetings be attended. The attendance was
about 350, many from lake associations plus DNR and PCA staff. Legacy Amendment is source of funding for
water protection. There are now 42 LIDs in State. Kentucky blue grass is a major problem caused
or exacerbated by mowing too close to shores.
Conservation MN
Bacon will mail check and
application form as approved at earlier meeting.
Contract Status:
Aspen contract for harvester
rental is signed. Phiel contract for
electricity is signed. Both are kept in
BLID cabinet at City Hall.
Member Spreadsheet:
Bacon updated the data and
sent it to Board members. Thank you,
Harvester Repairs:
Hoops reported the work has
been done. Painting is planned for after
the season.
Buckthorn Removal Project:
Bacon purchased the Lance and
herbicide shells. Nick Nash accepted to
be a trial site. Bacon proposed we visit
homes particularly on west shore to explain the project and get agreement to
proceed with marking and injecting.
Bacon will establish a date.
Clean Up Day:
Grisim reported a
disappointing level of participation.
Next year, the idea will be to try to engage area businesses, especially
those whose employees walk around the lake on lunch hour.
New Member Packet:
Bacon will mail to
Board. It has been reduced to a short
2015 Budget and Levy:
Merritt presented the budget
plan reviewed at the April 10 meeting.
Motion: (Merritt, Grisim) The 2015 budget was approved and a
levy of $155 per parcel was approved.
Annual Meeting:
Each Board member will
recruit for attendance to ensure a quorum.
Bacon led a discussion about
getting all BLID property identified and stored in one location under the
control of BLID rather than in member homes.
The purchase of a Pod (20’ length?) will be pursued and likely located
adjacent to the harvester/trailer at the City lot.
Motion to adjourn (Hoops, Grisim) Passed
Meeting adjourned at 9:00PM
Minutes prepared by Tom Merritt
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