Thursday, November 7, 2013

BLID Quarterly Meeting November 7, 2013

Call to order at 7:00 pm with the following members present:  Dale Bacon, Ryan Hoops, Tom Merritt, Jim Grisim and Steve Laliberte.

Motion (Hoops/Laliberte) Move to approve agenda.  Motion carried.

Motion (Hoops/Merritt) Move to approve the minutes of September 19, 2013.  Motion carried.

Treasurers Report: 
Levy deposit was low.  Tom to review with the city.  

Motion to approve report (Hoops / Bacon), Motion carried.

Levy Hearing
City approved the levy and had several glowing comments about the BLID.

The new track in ordered and received.  The repairs will be completed next week. 

Aerator Status   
It is in an operating.  We need to get the new permit.  Ryan will work with Jim Grisim.
Motion to contract with Nick Phiel to provide power for the aerator in the amount of $150 per year.  (Hoops, Bacon) Motion carried.
Steve will draft a contract and run it by the city attorney.
Julie Yoho will be the keeper of the communication list.  Send changes to her.
Reviewed requirements for next study.

Buckthorn Control:
City will provide replacement trees when the buckthorn is removed.  City uses Garlon 4.  We can identify where it exists, then inform homeowners, and potentially hire a contractor to apply herbicide.  Dale will outline a plan.

Other Items
USGS survey will happen on White Bear Lake. 

Motion (Grisim/Hoops) Move to adjourn.  Motion Carried.

Meeting adjourned at 7:48pm. 

Upcoming meeting
Board meeting February 6, 2014

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