Monday, June 13, 2011

Survey Says...

Thank you for taking this short survey. We will use this information to determine the future course of action of the BLID.

How long have you lived on the lake? _________

Please rate each of these from 1-5 with 1 being the most important to you.
_____ Use the lake for swimming or boating
______ Visual appearance of the lake
______ Have a healthy lake
______ Keep or increase the number of birds and fish on and in the lake
______ Maintain the value of my property

Please rate each of these activities from 1-4 with 1 being the most important to your family.
_____ Boating
_____ Swimming
_____ Fishing
_____ Walk around the lake
_____ Enjoy the view from your home
How do you feel about weed harvesting as a control method?
Chemical Control? ______________________________________________
How important is the control of the lake vegetation?
____ Highest priority and more important than anything else
_____Equally important with the health of the lake or other lake projects
_____Not as important as other things that could be done on the lake

How important are these projects to you?
Please mark with: Very / Kind of / Not really
____________ Cleaning up more of the shoreline
____________ Making the walking path along Otter Lake Road safer
Is there anything you would like to know more about that has to do with the lake? I am interested in learning more about….

How would you rate the BLID Board in looking after your concerns on the lake? (please circle one)

Great Pretty Good OK Could be better Bad
And Why? ____________________________________________________
Are you adequately informed of the BLID activities? Yes / No
Do you find value in the newsletter? Yes / No
Is it frequent enough? Yes / No
Would you be ok with an electronic copy? Yes / No

What other areas would you like the BLID Board to focus their efforts and the members’ resources on:


Do you feel that the activities of the BLID have enhanced the health and awareness of the lake and shoreline? Yes / No
Rate the financial cost (levy) for the work being done on the Birch lake:
Good / Fair / a little too low / a little too high / too high / way too high

If you are looking to volunteer for a project on the lake, please finish the following sentence;
I would be interested in volunteering with ________________________


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