Birch Lake Improvement District
Board of Directors Meeting
Call To Order:
Members present: Ryan Hoops, Jim Grisim, Dale Bacon, Richard Brink, Rod Kreuser. Also present Julie Yoho.
Motion by Bacon, second by Grisim to approve tonight’s agenda. Motion carried.
Motion by Grisim, second by Hoops to approve minutes from
Bacon provided a report on the 2009 MN Waters Lakes & Rivers conference. Major highlights included:
- Aquatic Invasive Species – There are more and more appearing. There is a need for lake improvement districts rather than lake associations, as LID’s are able to assess and manage money to help combat invasive species. Bacon recommends the BLID develop a long range monitoring strategy to watch for changes in the lake.
- Lakeshore restoration – most importantly, working with individual residences to develop a buffer zone of vegetation along their lakeshore.
- Climate change including the changes in ice-on dates and the warming of streams.
- Number of resources available to assist in projects. Extension service, Ramsey Co. corrections, VLAWMO.
- Some lake associations have organized procedure manuals which can assist new members. May be a good idea for BLID to develop.
Overall, it was a very informative conference.
Grisim reported on the lake clean up day. Approximately 12 people participated. Others who were unable to attend, went out on different days and cleaned up. BLID will keep organizing the clean up on the first weekend in May.
Grisim reported on the sale of the property at
Grisim reported on the aerator maintenance. There was no winter damage, however some of the hose is above water now. There was discussion on various ways to keep the hoses on the bottom. Some ideas were running the hose through cinder blocks or running through pvc pipe. There was also discussion about solar or wind powered compressor systems for aeration, rather than running hoses. In the near term, Hoops will organize how and when to best maintain this summer.
Kreuser provided the Treasurers Report. Bank balance is $11,417.25. Motion by Hoops, second by Bacon to approve treasurer’s report. Motion carried. Kreuser will have a summary for the annual meeting.
Grisim reported that even if the water level is too low to harvest this year, we should apply for the harvesting permit so we are ready. Motion by Kreuser, second by Bacon to fill out the application for the DNR harvesting permit. The question of treating with herbicide came up. Grisim reported it would cost $1000 per acre to treat, and only 10% of the lake would be able to be treated as per DNR regulation. Steve McComas does not feel herbicide would be as effective as harvesting, and it would be cost prohibitive. The Board is in agreement not to use herbicides.
Grisim led discussion on other projects for the future, including fish survey (currently on DNR waiting list), north shore project, and harvester ramp improvement. The north shore project would involve removing vegetation and replacing with native plants. VLAWMO has funding available to assist, and the City has offered to provide equipment. BLID would need to supply volunteers. The ramp improvement project will require a permit from the DNR for dredging. Grisim will apply for.
Brinks provided 2 versions of language for removal of the sunset clause. The Board felt there should be a majority of 51% to dissolve the BLID. Brinks will check statutes.
Brinks provided an amendment to the rules of Governance. It was recommenced to add the language “written” and “property owner”. Motion by Brink, second by Kreuser to accept the amendment with the changes noted. Motion carried.
The 2010 budget was discussed. Krueser will update the budget sheet with the proposal for voting at the annual meeting.
Grisim discussed the agenda items for the annual meeting to be held on
Motion by Brink, second by Bacon to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at
Vice Chair, Ryan Hoops
Next meeting: Annual Meeting
Next quarterly meeting
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