Saturday, July 2, 2022



The annual membership meeting of the Birch Lake Improvement

District will be held at the White Bear Lake City Hall at

7:00 P.M. on Wednesday, August 17, 2022


Agenda Items will Include: 

Budget Approval, Past and future activity reports and Elections.



The three-year term of Steve Laliberte & Jorge Vega is expiring.  Anyone wishing to be a candidate should submit his/her name and a brief statement of qualifications to the Board at the above address or by email by Aug 10th to


Tuesday, February 8, 2022


Quarterly Board Meeting Agenda

Feb 16, 2022

7:00 pm, White Bear Lake City Hall


1.      Approval of Agenda

2.    Approval of Minutes

3.    Treasurer’s Report

4.      Status Reports

o   Fish Survey – Steve McComas to present

o   Otter Lake Road Improvement Report

o   Weed harvesting update

5.      Action Items

6.      Adjourn


Next Meeting March 16, 2022

Monday, January 3, 2022

Annual Report


Birch Lake Improvement District

2021 Annual Report


Birch Lake is a shallow suburban lake with an area of 123 acres and a maximum depth of 6-8 feet.  It is considered to be one of the clearest lakes within the Vadnais Lake Area Water Management Organization (VLAWMO).  Concerns over maintaining the lakes clarity led property owners to petition the City of White Bear Lake to form the Birch Lake Improvement District (BLID) in 2006.


A board of directors elected by improvement district members governs the Birch Lake Improvement District.  Current members are: Steve Laliberte, Chair; Ryan Hoops, Vice Chair; Jorge Vega, Secretary; Terry Huntrods, Treasurer and Dale Bacon, Member at Large.   The Board is responsible for implementing the Birch lake Sustainable Lake management plan.  These responsibilities include activities such as carrying out scientific studies on lake water quality, maintenance of recreational utilization of the lake and communication to the membership regarding threats to lake quality.


During 2021, the following activities were carried out by BLID:


·       The annual cleanup day was held on May 1, 2021.

·       BLID members continue to participate in VLAWMO Citizen’s Water Monitoring Program.  This involves taking biweekly lake water samples and making water clarity and lake level readings.

·       During winter months, BLID operates an aeration system to prevent complete fish kills from oxygen depletion. The permit requires specialized training in the operation of an aeration system.

·       BLID supports VLAWMO in monitoring chloride levels in the lake.  This involves conducting chloride analysis on monthly water samples taken at the 4 major inflow points on the lake. 

Birch Lake has high chloride levels, which result from winter road salt usage on roads surrounding the lake.  BLID provides monetary support to VLAWMO to provide extra maintenance to the restoration project on the north shore of the lake.

·       Lakes Aquatic Weed Removal of Orr, MN, carried out the 2021 aquatic plant-harvesting program.   Over 30 loads of harvested plant material were hauled to the Ramsey County Composting site.


The fifteenth annual BLID meeting was held on August 18, 2021.  The following items were approved by the membership: 

1. Terry Huntrods was elected to a three-year Board term. 

2. The 2022 operating budget of $27,265 was approved by the membership for submittal the White Bear Lake City Council.

The 2022 budget will allow the BLID to:

·       Continue weed harvesting,

·       Operate the aerator,

·       Stock fish if needed,

·       Conduct a study on the impact of development around Birch Lake.

·       Participate in VLAWMO


In 2022 the BLID will participate in the design of the Otter Lake Road Improvement Project.  Ramsey County has received funding to improve Otter Lake Road from Highway 96 to 4th Street.  Project management meetings will take place during 2022 to accept input from stakeholders.  BLID has been invited to attend the initial planning meetings.  Meetings with the public will be held in the spring.  BLID members expressed a desire to ensure that the project include a multi-use trail on the west (lake) side of the road.


The next annual meeting is August 17, 2022.


Report created by Steve Laliberte Board Chair