Tuesday, October 27, 2020

 Quarterly meeting to be held virtually on Nov 4th at 7 PM.  Click the link below to join or call in.


You can also dial in using your phone. 
United States: 
+1 (571) 317-3122 

Access Code: 458-575-453 

1.      Approval of Agenda

2.    Approval of Minutes

3.    Treasurer’s Report

4.      Action Items

a)      Review Annual Report

b)      Contract for Harvesting

c)      Converting to QuickBooks

d)      Fish Survey

e)      Notice for the aerator in the paper and turning it on.

f)       History of Birch Lake

5.      Adjourn

Next meeting is Feb 19, 2021

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Birch Lake Improvement District Annual Meeting

The annual membership meeting of the Birch Lake Improvement District will be held at the White Bear Lake City Hall at 7:00 P.M. on Wednesday, August 19, 2020.

Due to COVID -19 everyone will be required to wear a mask.

If you would prefer not to attend in person you may call in or join us online or just on your phone.

Please join our meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

For audio only call.
1 (571) 317-3122

Access Code: 458-575-453

Questions call
Deb Vernon BLID Administrator at 651-592-2530


  1. Approve Agenda.
  2. Approve Minutes of 2019 Annual Meeting.
  3. Treasurer Report
  4. Year in Review
  5. Approve 2021 Budget
  6. Board Member Election
  7. Presentation
  8. Adjourn


Wednesday, May 13, 2020

You are invited to virtually attend the Wednesday May 20th board
meeting at 7 PM.  

Please join our meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.


You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (571) 317-3122

Access Code: 458-575-453

1. Approval of Agenda
2. Approval of Minutes
3. Treasurer’s Report
4. Status Reports
     a. VLAWMO update 
     b. Harvesting update
          Permit issued 4/23/2020
     c. Aerator update
5. Action Items

     a. Keys made?
     b. Aerator fixed, signs out of lake, orange signs down?
     c. Amend action calendar for 2020
     d. Update and approve 2020 budget. Work on 2021 budget.

6. Discussion
7. Adjourn

Date of next meeting June 17 th , 2020

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Birch Lake Improvement District Newsletter
April 15, 2020

Hello fellow Birch Lake Improvement District Members,

This is Steve Laliberte, the BLID Board Chairman. I want to give you an update on the activities for this year and on harvesting.

Harvesting Update

During the harvesting operation last year we were informed that the harvester had a leak.  During the cutting, it began to list to one side and ride lower in the water.   Our contractor, Aspen Outdoor, inspected the floats and found that they were full of water.  They pumped them out and we were able to complete the cutting for the year.

When Aspen pulled the harvester, they inspected the floats and discovered that there were several soft spots where the steel had rotted away.  During the fall, the Board met several times and performed an analysis on the options for continuation of harvesting.  We looked at three options: repair the harvester; buy a new one; or contract with a full service vendor who would use their own equipment.

Repairing the harvester proved to be expensive and risky.  We had several potential vendors look at the harvester and estimates ranged from $20,000 to $40,000+ with no guarantees.

Purchasing a new harvester was even more expensive.  Similar models ranged from $200,000 to $300,000.

Outsourcing to a vendor who would provide a harvester, conveyor and dump truck, along with a week's worth of cutting.  After contacting several vendors, we obtained a bid from Lakes Aquatic Weed Removal.  Their bid was within the allocated budget and they guaranteed us the second week of July.  They also offered to buy the harvester for $2,000 to use it for parts.  They agreed to haul it away at no charge.

On November 17, 2019, the board unanimously approved a motion to contract with Lakes Aquatic.

Calendar of Events
Friday 04-24-20 – Open Boat Launch for residents 10:00 AM to 2:00
Saturday 04-25-20 – Open Boat Launch for residents 10:00 AM to 2:00

Friday 05-01-20 - Open Boat Launch for residents 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Saturday 05-02-20 – Lake Clean Up 10:00 AM meet at Speedway.  We will social distance and divide up sections of the lake perimeter.

Saturday 05-02-20 - Open Boat Launch for residents 10:00 AM to 2 PM.

Annual Meeting – Moved to Wednesday, August 19, 2020 at 7:00 PM City Hall Expansion Room.

If you would like to be added to the BLID email or Nextdoor site please send an email to birchlakeboard@gmail.com.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

BLID Quarterly Board Meeting Minutes

February 19, 2020

7:00 pm, White Bear Lake City Hall

Call to Order at 7:20 PM. 

Members present Dale Bacon, Terry Huntrods, Steve Laliberte, Ryan Hoops, Jorge Vega, and Deb Vernon

1.      Approval of Agenda

Motion (Huntrods / Bacon) Move to approve.  Motion carried.

2.    Approval of Minutes

Motion (Bacon / Huntrods) Move to approve.  Motion carried.

3.    Treasurer’s Report

Budget needs to be amended since we no longer have a harvester. Cost for harvesting is $2650 for a 10 hour day plus $1000 for setup and launch.  Expect it to take 3 to 5 days.

4.      Status Reports

a.)   VLAWMO

Successful bid for filter on Otter and 4th, hoping for approval soon and done this summer. Goal is to reduce the phosphorous going into the lake.  Cloisters is starting on a 5 year plan to improve the lake front.

b.)   Harvester update

Harvester was sold for $2000.  Signed a contract with Lakes Aquatic Weed Removal. Dale will apply for 2020 permit.

            c) Aerator update

Had to replace the aerator.  Ryan will have the old one rebuilt.

5.      Action Items

a.)    Secretary position

            Jeff Klosner has moved.  Jorge Vega offered to fill the position until the next annual meeting.

b.)    Calendar review.  Calendar for 2020 was reviewed

6.      Discussion

a.)    Samatha Crosby started the meeting with the proposed change to zoning.  Biggest change is to encourage residents not to use retaining walls or riprap or terraced landscape. This is only for new projects.  Setback from lake is 75’. Preferred method is to use natural landscape.

b.)    Goose Lake is going to do ALM treatment.  They also want to try to get the city to get a harvester.

c.)    Dale recommended we spot treat with a chemical to stop the spread of the milfoil.  He also things we should try not to cut those areas.  Dale will talk to DNR about this.

d.)    Dawn Tanner, Program Development Coordinator, from VLAWMO would like to talk at the annual meeting.  Terry will talk with her.

7.      Adjourn at 7:58

Motion: (Huntrods /Bacon) Move to approve.  Motion carried

Next meeting is April 15, 2020

Monday, February 10, 2020

Board Meeting Agenda

February 19, 2020

7:00 pm, White Bear Lake City Hall

Expansion room

1.      Approval of Agenda

2.    Approval of Minutes

3.    Treasurer’s Report

4.      Status Reports

5.      Discussion

a)      Samantha Crosby City of WBL - SHORELAND ALTERATIONS Zoning Code

b)     Harvesting Update

c)      Goals for 2020

6.      Action Items

A)    Review Calendar

7.        Adjourn

Next meeting is April 15, 2020