Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Board Meeting Minutes

Aug 15, 2018

7:00 pm, White Bear Lake City Hall

Call to Order at 7:05 PM. 

Members present Jim Grisim, Dale Bacon, Terry Huntrods, Steve Laliberte, Ryan Hoops, Dick Gillister and Deb Vernon

1.      Approval of Agenda

Motion (Hoops/Grisim) Move to approve.  Motion carried.

2.    Approval of Minutes

Motion (Huntrods/Bacon) Move to approve.  Motion carried.

3.    Treasurer’s Report

Terry has yet to meet with Tom so no report document.

Paid the insurance, received money from the city.

a)      Bank signature form

Steve had the, Resolution of Lodge, Association or Other Similar Organization, form from the Bank.  The officers signed the form. Gave Terry Huntrods the power to, Open any deposit or share accounts in the name of the association.  Gave the other four officers the power to, Endorse checks and orders for the payment of money or otherwise withdraw or transfer funds on deposit with this Financial Institution.

Steve would like himself, Dale and Terry to meet with Don Rambow to talk about the budget, reviewing the books and the Number of units assessed.

4.      Status Reports


            Sign Post Project

                        Jim will do grant.  VLAWMO will pay 75% of the cost. Post will go in by the                           bench on North Birch Lake and by 4th and Otter

            Filter at 4th and Otter

The survey is done. Land has to be transferred to VLAWMO. They are designing the filter.  Jim doubted it would be done this year.

5.      Action Items

a)      State of Lake

Weeds are bad

Several days before Aspen is done the board is going to do a drive around the lake to check the status of the cutting.
b)     2018 Weed surveys

McComas did an hour look at the lake.  Don’t think there is any value in having anything else done this year.

c)      Budget hearing

Will be schedule in Oct after the budget is submitted to city.

d)     Annual Report

Is due out by Oct 20th.  Steve has a draft.  Will finalize by email.

e)      Update on harvester

Dick G updated the board.  Pump needed to be replaced, new blades.  Entrance conveyor belt had to be shortened.  There are some parts that are rusting.  Dick things it should be covered when it is being stored and it should be greased.

Guy running it seems knowledgeable and wants to do a good job.  He is cutting at 4’. 

Recommended that a checklist be created about what needs to be checked and add to a SOP.

6.      Discussion

A)     Goals for 2018-2019

Path around the lake


Stocking of lake

# of meetings

              Quarterly and Annual and how many more

VLAWMO partnership

Filter at 4th and Otter Lake

Invasive species

Member Survey

Formation of Committees

History of Birch Lake

Communication and Newsletter

B)     Conference

Dale is going to an Invasive species conference

7.       Adjourn at 8:25

Motion: (Grisim /Bacon) Move to approve.  Motion carried

Next meeting is the Quarterly Meeting Nov 7, 2018