Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Quarterly Board Meeting Agenda

November 7, 2018

7:00 pm, White Bear Lake City Hall

1.      Approval of Agenda
2.    Approval of Minutes

3.    Treasurer’s Report

4.      Status Reports

a.      VLAWMO

Sign Post project

5.      Action Items - Working Session Prepare Annual Report

a)      Review and approve 2019 calendar

b)     Harvester Maintenance and repair – need a new roller

c)      Aerator

6.      Discussion

a.      Improvement to the Boat Launch

7.        Adjourn 
Next Quarterly meeting

February 20, 2019

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Birch Lake Improvement District

2018 Annual Report

Birch Lake is a shallow suburban lake with an area of 123 acres and a maximum depth of 6 to 8 feet.  It is considered to be one of the healthiest lakes within the Vadnais Lake Area Water Management Organization (VLAWMO).  Concerns over maintaining the quality of the lake led lake property owners to petition the City of White Bear Lake to form the Birch Lake Improvement District (BLID) in 2006.

A board of directors elected by improvement district members governs the Birch lake Improvement District.  Current board members are: Dale Bacon at large, Ryan Hoops, secretary; Steve Laliberte, chair, Terry Huntrods, treasurer and Jim Grisim, vice chair.  The board is responsible for implementing the Birch lake Sustainable Lake management plan.  These responsibilities include carrying out scientific studies on lake water quality, maintenance of recreational utilization of the lake and communication to the membership regarding threats to lake quality.

During 2018, the following activities were carried out by BLID:

The annual cleanup day was held on May 5, 2018.  Eight residents participated.  City public works provided pickup of the trash bags.

BLID members continue to participate in VLAWMO Citizen’s Water Monitoring Program.  This involves taking biweekly lake water samples and making water clarity and lake level readings.

During winter months, BLID operates an aeration system to prevent complete fish kills from oxygen depletion.  This year the permit to operate the aerator required specialized training in the operation of an aeration system.

We contracted with Blue Water Science to conduct a weed survey prior to harvesting.

BLID conducted weed harvesting during August.  Fifty-three acres were cut.  The weed harvester was reconditioned improving cutting bars, cables, and controls.

The twelfth annual BLID meeting was held on June 20, 2018.  Nineteen of the 62 parcels in the district were represented.  The 2019 operating budget of $21,587 was approved by the membership for submittal to the White Bear Lake City Council.  Terry Huntrods was elected to a 3-year term.   The next annual meeting is June 19, 2019.

In 2019 the BLID will continue to maintain the lake through harvesting and aerator operation.  We will stock the lake.  We will participate in the VLAMO filtration project on 4th and Otter Lake Rd. 

Submitted for the BLID board by Stephen Laliberte, Chair