Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Quarterly Board Meeting Minutes


7:00 pm, White Bear Lake City Hall

Call to order at 7PM.  Members present Dale Bacon, Steve Laliberte, Jim Grisim, Tom Merritt, Ryan Hoops, Deb Vernon and Bill Gebhart

1.      Approval of Agenda
Motion: (Grisim /Hoops) Move to approve.  Motion carried.
2.    Approval of Minutes
Motion: (Merritt/Grisim) Move to approve.  Motion carried.
3.    Treasurer’s Report
    No activity to report.
4.      Status Reports
1.      VLAWMO
a.      2017 Annual Report and Summary are out.  Jim will bring to annual meeting for members to look over.  They have a new mascot.
b.      Filtration project is waiting for BWSR approval.
c.       Ramsey County conservation district has been disbanded.
d.      Band on watering was in the news.  Seems judge, DNR and legislators are having some discussions. Bottom line restriction seems to be the same as current restrictions.
2.      Action Items
1.      Weed harvesting Bid Review and vendor selection
a.      Two bids were received.  Premier Lake Harvesting was too expensive so Aspen will be doing it again.
b.      Dale is going to look into getting a GPS system so there is better information on what was cut.  The other option is to mark off the area that we want cut with buoys.
c.       Jim is working on the permit.  Hoping to cut 6-15 to 6-30.
Dale thinks there is more milfoil in the lake.  Weeds are about six inches below the surface.  Need to contact Steve McComas at Blue Water Science. 
Harvesting vs Chemical
Costs run about $700 an acre and only treat 15%

2.      Lake Clean-up day May 19th 10-12 and boat launch open 1-3
a.      Ryan will take charge. Jim will drop off the materials.  Should get some treats for the volunteers.
b.      Keys for launch
Jim, Ryan, maybe Steve and home owner Jeff.

3.       Annual Meeting
a.      Need 10 members to have a Quorum of 15%
b.      Written notice will be mailed out by June 10.
c.    Press release has to be in the last week of May paper in Community Events section.
d.      Agenda items that have to be done at the annual meeting:
                                                                                                           i.      Elections
                                                                                                         ii.      Approval of budget
                                                                                                       iii.      Approval of projects of more than $5000

4.        Adjourn 7:50
   Motion Hoops/ Merritt. Motion carried.

Next Meeting
Annual Meeting June 20, 2018

Annual  Meeting Minutes
June 21, 2017

Call to order at 7:04PM with the following board members were present:  Dale Bacon, Ryan Hoops, Steve Laliberte, and Jim Grisim.  

A total of 20 members were in attendance constituting a quorum.

Motion (Grisim/Hoops) Move to approve agenda.  Motion carried.

Motion (Hoops/Grisim) Move to approve the minutes of 2016 Annual Meeting.  Motion carried.

Treasurer Report: 

Motion (Nash/Krueser) Move to approve the Treasurers Report.  Motion carried.

Year In Review:
Completed weed harvesting in 2017.  Replaced hydraulics on the weed harvesters.  This may we stocked the lake with 1,000 bass and 500 crappies.

The board is working with the City of White Bear Lake and Ramsey County to discuss improving the walking path on Otter Lake Road in 2019 when the road is being resurfaced.

Many residents expressed concern about improving the safety of walking on Otter Lake Road.

Victoria Reinhart our Ramsey County Commissioner addressed the group about Otter Lake Road improvements.  One option is to make minor changes to the roadway as part of 2018.  The next option is to reconstruct the road to include a walk lane.   These options will be presented to the City of White Bear Lake for consideration. 

2018 Budget Review:
The budget was reviewed.  There was concern about needing to fund additional harvesting. 
Motion: (Laliberte/ Hoops) Move to increase the harvester operations line item from $6,000 to $10,000 and adjust the levy accordingly.  Motion carries.

Motion: (Laliberte/Grism )  Move approve the amended budget. Motion carried.

 There are two board positions that are up for elections.  There are three candidates:
Dale Bacon (incumbent)
Ryan Hoops (incumbent)
Deb Vernon

Ballots were distributed and tallied.

Dale Bacon and Ryan Hoops were re-elected. 

Motion to adjourn  (Nash, Grisim) Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 8:55 PM

Minutes prepared by Steve Laliberte