Call to order at 7:03 PM with the following members
present: Dale Bacon, Steve Laliberte,
Jim Grisim, Tom Merritt.
(Grisim/Merritt) Move to approve agenda.
Motion carried.
Approval of the minutes
Motion: (Grisim/Merritt)
Move to approve the September 17, 2015 minutes.
Motion carried.
Review Treasurer’s Report
(Laliberte/Grisim) Move to accept report.
Motion carried.
VLAMO Update
Focus on 3 impaired water bodies. Gem Lake, Wilkinson and Gillfilan.
Sustainable Lake Management Plan Update
We will update the lake management plan.
BLID 10 Year Event
There is general interest in a community event. We discussed possible party near Super
America or a pontoon event.
Lake Group Meeting Dates
April 15 and 16 is the State of the Waters meeting. Dale will attend.
2016 BLID meeting dates
May 7th to be clean up day and boat launch
day. We will announce this in the
January newsletter.
Motion: Move to
Adjourn (Merritt, Laliberte) – Motion Carried.
Adjourned at 8:43 PM.
Next Meeting: November 5, 2015
Minutes prepared by Steve Laliberte.