Call to order at 7:00 pm with the following members
present: Dale Bacon, Tom Merritt, Jim
Grisim and Steve Laliberte. Ryan Hoops
arrived at 7:07. Nick Piehl attended the
(Grisim/Merrit) Move to approve agenda.
Motion carried.
Motion (Grisim/Merritt)
Move to approve the minutes of February 6, 2014 Motion carried.
Treasurers Report:
Reviewed the 2014 budget and
YTD actuals.
Motion (Grisim/Hoops) Moved to approve the treasurer’s
report. Motion carried.
VLAMO Report
Jim Grisim presented notes
from VLAMO meetings. They updated their
website. They will pay 75% or up to
$2,000 for water gardens.
Harvester Status
Ryan Hoops – repair is in
process. The belts are being
replaced. What type of paint? Marine
epoxy was suggested. Nick Piehl is in
the paint business, he will help us select the paint.
We reviewed a contract with
Aspen and Midwest Ski Otters. We will
modify this to create an agreement with Aspen to do our work and for us to
lease the harvester. Aspen will need to
contract with Midwest Ski Otters.
Ryan Hoops will draft the
terms, Steve will draft the agreement and get legal review. We will do an email vote on approval.
Lake Cleanup Day
First Saturday in May. May 3rd. Jim Grisim will coordinate.
Reviewed Buckthorn Removal
Dale will continue to work
with the White Bear City engineer Mark Birch to advance the plan. The city has a new tool to shoot herbicide
into the trees. They will let us use it,
we must buy the shells.
Motion: Move
to purchase one lot $250 of EZ-Ject shells.
(Merrit/Grisim). Motion carried.
Budget Review
Add harvester rental to
income. We set a 2015 budget estimate at
about $13,000. We will finalize the
budget in the June meeting.
Inventory of equipment
Steve will reach out to Rod
to pick up and complete the inventory.
Then we can decide if we want to consolidate and store.
Annual Meeting
Possibly get a speaker on
Want to get one out before
May 2. Call for pictures. Winter kill update. Get it out by April 21, 2014.
Conservation Minnesota
This is the association that
replaced Minnesota Waters. They hold an
annual conference of Lake Associations.
Motion: We will join the association providing the
annual fee is under or equal to $150. (Grisim/Hoops) Motion carried.
Motion: We
will pay the registration fee for a board member to attend the annual
conference. (Grisim/Merrit). Motion carried.
Motion (Grisim/Hoops)
Move to adjourn. Motion Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 8:53pm.
Upcoming meeting
Board meeting Thursday, June 5,
Annual meeting June 18, 2014