Wednesday, August 28, 2013

BLID Quarterly Board Minutes AUGUST 28, 2013

Call to order at 6:58pm with the following members present:  Dale Bacon, Ryan Hoops, Tom Merritt, and Steve Laliberte.  Jim Grisim arrived at 7:22pm.

Motion (Hoops/Merritt) Move to approve agenda.  Motion carried.

Motion (Hoops/Merritt) Move to approve the minutes of June 6.  Motion carried.

Weed Harvesting Update: 
The Board felt the recently completed harvesting done under contract by Aspen Outdoor Services went smoothly.  The Board agreed to investigate having Aspen do annual maintenance on the harvester and install the new stainless steel tracks.

Motion (Laliberte/Merritt) Move to request Hoops to obtain quotation from Aspen for maintenance and track replacement.  Motion carried. 

Hoops will investigate whether the new homeowner supplying power to the aerator is willing to continue with the arrangement previously made with Downing.

Newsletter update:
Julie had difficulties with distribution via email to some members.  Apparently, the file was too large for some servers to accept.

It was agreed to investigate posting the newsletter online.  Merritt to follow up.

It was also decided to add City Council members and the WB Press on the distribution list.  Merritt to follow up with Julie.

Julie Yoho Agreement Renewal:
Motion  (Hoops/Grisim)   Move to approve one year renewal.  Motion carried.

Election of Officers:  
Motion (Merritt, Grisim) Move to Elect Bacon as Chairman, Hoops as Vice-Chairman, Merritt as Treasurer, and Laliberte as Secretary.  Motion carried.

Signature Authorization:  
Motion (Merritt, Laliberte) Move to authorize Bacon, Hoops, and Grisim as signatories on bank account at Bremer Bank; two signatures required for disbursements greater than $100, one signature for amounts of $100 or less.  Motion carried.

Blue Water Survey status: 
Grisim had nothing to report except report is due September 1.

Meeting Schedule:  The Board discussed Bacon would like a few additional meetings depending on activity rather than just relying on the required quarterly meetings.  Next quarterly meeting set for September 19.  Bacon will arrange with Julie to set up other dates and will advise Board.

Motion (Grisim, Laliberte) Move to hold election of officers for 2014-15 immediately following the annual meeting in June 2014.  Motion carried.

Activity Assignments:
The following assignments were agreed:
            Hoops – Harvester and aerator operations
            Grisim – Insurance, Lake Management Plan
            Bacon – VLAWMO liaison
            Laliberte – Political relations (City, County)
            Merritt – Communications (newsletter)

Motion (Grisim/Hoops) Move to adjourn.  Motion Carried.

Meeting adjourned at 8:11pm. 

Upcoming meeting
September 19, 2013