Call to order: 7:05 p.m., Chair Jim Grisim presiding
Members present: Jim Grisim, Ryan Hoops, Rod Kreuser. Also present, Julie Yoho.
Motion by Grisim, seconded by Kreuser, to appoint Julie Yoho secretary in Dick Brink’s absence. Motion carried.
Motion by Kreuser, seconded by Hoops, to approve agenda with addition of receipt storage discussion. Motion carried.
Motion by Kreuser, seconded by Hoops to approve the November 5, 2009 meeting minutes. Motion carried.
Kreuser provided treasurers report. BLID received $1,398.00 less from the City than expected/budgeted. Likely from properties which were assessed but did not pay. This is something that will have to be kept in mind when the budget is developed at the next meeting. Motion by Hoops, seconded by Grisim to approve the treasurer’s report. Motion carried.
Grisim reported on the north shoreline project. A meeting will be held on April 14 at 7:00 pm at 1411 Birch Lk Blvd. VLAWMO has had the property assessed is prepared to be involved. The city will help to clear the site. BLID is to provide the labor. Volunteers are to contact Patty Kuppe or Dale Bacon if they would like to help.
Kreuser reported on fish stocking. Krueser will work with Rademacher Ponds again. A mix of bass and walleye 7” fingerlings have been stocked in the past.
Motion by Grisim, second by Krueser to spend a maximum of $1300 to stock with a 50/50 mix of fish. Motion carried.
Grisim reminded everyone that the clean up day is set for May 1st. Volunteers are to meet at SA.
Grisim reported the newsletter was sent out last week to all members. Hoops will post on blog.
Grisim reported the MN Shallow Lakes Conference will be April 5. If anyone is interested in attending let Jim know.
Grisim reported the White Bear Basketball facility construction will be starting, with opening expected in the fall.
Grisim discussed the possibility of having herbicide test areas in the lake. BLID could consider treating 2-3 acres if it can’t be harvested this summer. Kreuser will ask Steve McComas for an evaluation of which areas of heavy growth for possible treatment. Keep this issue on the agenda next meeting for further consideration.
BLID receipts – Kreuser asked if there was a lockable storage space for BLID receipts to be kept. Julie will check the existing file cabinet to see if it can be secured.
Hoops discussed the possibility of having a sidewalk on the east side of lake as it is a safety issue to walk there. Grisim will provide Hoops with a contact person with the city to start with. May be something the BLID could ask the city to consider.
Motion by Kreuser, seconded by Hoops to adjourn. Motion carried and meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.
Julie Yoho
Secretary for the day
Next quarterly meeting June 3, 2010